Make a Difference
All the travel fun and career success will feel meaningless if it is completely self-focused. For true fulfillment, we must serve others and strive to make a difference in the world. I will share important causes and show ways to get involved.
Business as a Mission

TripScout donates 10% of purchases and runs campaigns to support inspiring causes around the world and drive awareness.
At my company, TripScout, we believe that travelers have a unique insight and connection to the world around them, and we want to use that for good. It’s our mission to leverage our travels and business to make the world a more awesome place for all.
Recent Project

We recently built a computer lab equipped with 20 laptops for a village in Honduras.
It’s hard to imagine how we’d be able to work, study, or live life without access to the internet and computers. Not only is the internet an essential daily resource for us, it’s the best promoter of ideas, human rights, and entrepreneurship. We often take this for granted, forgetting that two-thirds of the world does not currently have access to the internet. Read about our project in Honduras here.
- Slavery: Nearly 46 million people are held as modern slaves, more than any point in history.
- Poverty: Nearly half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day and 22,000 children die each day because of poverty.
- Human Trafficking: 10 times as many girls are trafficked into brothels each year as African slaves were transported to the New World in the peak years of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
- Disease: 2 million children die of preventable diseases each year (diarrhea, pneumonia, etc.) because they are too poor to afford treatment.
- Water: 1 in 10 people don’t have access to safe drinking water.
- Freedom of Speech: Only 13% of the world’s population has a free press.
- Hunger: 1 in 10 million people go hungry each day.
- Gender: The female-to-male earnings ratio was 0.82 in the United States. Around the world, more girls have been killed in the last 50 years, because they were girls (honor killings, bias towards sons, sexual violence), than men were killed in all the wars of the twentieth century. Also, more girls are killed every decade in this “gendercide” than people killed in all the genocides of the twentieth century.
- Equality: At least 76 countries have laws to criminalize and harass people on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
- Literacy: 1 in 6 adults are unable to read. Two-thirds of them women, making gender equality even harder to achieve.
- Connectivity: 2 in 3 people do not have access to the internet.
Please send me a message at @goKonrad on Instagram or Twitter with any ideas.
Project: Fight Child Slavery in Haiti
Please join TripScout and me to help provide tech-enabled education tools to kids trapped in or recently freed from slavery in Haiti. With your help, we will equip their classroom with 35 Google Nexus 7 tablets. Here is a horrific [...]
Understanding Others
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